Association for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Research

Current event:

Oct 18th 2024. - Oct 31st 2024.

Korčula loves Film::Capture, cut, and glue it – photo collages

Dea Botica

In Croatian only.



Urbanologies comprise AIIR activities which tackle urban research, various forms of urbanity and urbanism, spatial theories as well as urban anthropology and sociology, and visual anhropology.



Project Retropolis is motivated by a basic question: are better futures anticipated  in the 20th Ct lost? In this particular case, the project probes the time in which designs of a better and more equitable society were simultaneously drafted along with the resistance against conservative forces which tried to divide people over issues of race and nationality. Modern Zagreb started to emerge in the 1930s, the town was projected across the river Sava (today New Zagreb) under then newly established Building Office, the town and the whole country swarmed with the ideas of progress in the places such as Božidar Adžija’s Worker’s chamber and Andrija Štampar’s School of Public Health, the artistic striving of Constructivism and Zenitism along with numerous worker’s and women’s magazines and journals. These were the times when significant manifests for the plausible futures were formulated, the manifests whose ideas are still relevant today: equal rights for all, the right to work, to have a decent dwelling and the right to health care, the right to artistic freedom and the freedom of speech, in short – the right to the city. Important in the present epoch of the Anthropocene, these manifests represent mental, emotional and imaginative repertoirs with the potential to transform the everydayness, whereby design becomes the tool of social progress and arts are ontologically linked to humanistic and natural sciences and technologies. Project Retropolis in 2019. also comprises the artistic research that tackles socialist aesthetics and ethos as contingent issues of the Croatian society which is additionally burdened by falsified histories and brutalities of the neoliberal and conservative anti-political currents. This artistic study permeates into the roots of that aesthetics which grows deep into the times before WWII, emphasizing the role of women in forming a better society. One segment of the artistic research analyzes progressive magazines and journals, pinpointing "Women's World" (published from 1939 to 1941), while the second segment critically examines the work of the architect Zoja Dumengjic. Dumengjic was an employee at the School for Public Health, where she specialized in the designing health institutions, while she was inspired by the Finnish architect Alvar Alto.


Steps of the City: New new Zagreb

With the project "Steps of the City" a new phase in our urbanological studies has commenced. By introducing the theoretical intersection of double onthology of the relationship between the cinematic and the city, last year we produced the first (small, but still first) theoretical reader in Croatian within that field. Through the project “Steps of the City: NEW NEW ZAGREB” our focus remains on the City of Vukovar Street. We will compare, to use Lefebvre's terms, “lived experience” with only partially carried out concept of the centre of Zagreb. Simultaneously, we are expanding the focus to the residential part of the city, which is still, 65 years after its emergence, called New Zagreb, as well as to the negative consequence of the modernist zoning – today still isolated (post)industrial zone Žitnjak in whose heart we find the Arts organization Ateliers Žitnjak. What has happened with the art community since the period of socialist modernism, starting from the artists' ateliers in the centre of the city to their planning in new parts of the city during the 1950s and 1960s, to nowadays marginalization of the artistic community in the industrial zone, is one of the main questions that the project tackles, while the heritage protection is demanded for the urban concept of City of Vukovar Street and New Zagreb. 



Illuminovision is a project inspired by Šibenik, one of the first cities in the world where electrical energy power supply was established. This almost anegdotal fact is virtually non-existent in the dominant narrative of the city, which is now representing itself exclusively as a city of medieval heritage, neglecting the recent history of its modernization. The intention of Illuminovision is to incite innovative processes of articulation of light in public space via the format of the festival but also via the interdisciplinary collaboration of various professions which tackle our relation to the environment, in this case environment being the unique city of Šibenik.


Steps of the city 1957-2017

Today's Avenue of Vukovar City is a metaphorical and physical polygon of socialist modernism where rebuilding of Zagreb after WWII began. In 1957. godine, then Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades was the locus of making propaganda films about the modern city in making. 


Bogdan Bogdanovic

In 2012., in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb, ArchitekturZentrum Wien and Memorial Site JUSP-Jasenovac, and in co-curatorial interpretation by Ivan Ristić and Sonja Leboš and with generous and kind support by Ksenija Bogdanovic who enabled Bogdan's personal library to be included, the exhibition "Bogdan Bogdanovic-the Doomed Architect", the first post mortem exhibition in Croatia about the work of the great architect of Yugoslav protomodernism, who granted this republic-to-be with the legacy of an array of monuments and memorial sites, took place in the Glypthoteque of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Science in Zagreb.


Mnemosyne Archive

Mnemosyne is a project that commenced in 2009, as a concept of the cultural and urban anthropologist, as well as researcher, Sonja Leboš. During 2010, with the support of the Eu Commision (EU for Citizens - Active European Remembrance), the project "Mnemosyne. Theatre of Memories-Phase 1: Getting Together" comprised a wide scope of activites Belgrade, Zagreb and Prague. The catalog of the project you can find here, and here you can listen the music interpretation by Manja Ristić. In cooperation with the organization of multimedia artists Auropolis and with extraordinary engagement by Manja Ristić and the support of the City of Belgrade and Center for Cultural Decontamination, two theatre performances  "Theater of memories" took place in the theater "Vuk Karadžić" and in the Center for Cultural Decontamination in Belgrade.



Feb 24th 2024.

The album water memory — mnemosonic topographies of the Adriatic is a laureate at the Sélection Musiques Expérimentales 2024

water memory — mnemosonic topographies of the Adriatic
sound, text, images: Manja Ristić
editor: Sonja Leboš
sound mastering: La Plant Studio, Belgrade
proofreading: Mark Vernon
production, publishing, distribution: ELL Studio 2023
artistic research in collaboration with the Association for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Research, Zagreb
The project was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and Dubrovnik—Neretva County.

The Sélection Musiques Expérimentales 2024 is taking place in the organization of the prestigious Académie Charles Cros.

Apr 21st 2023.

PHOTO TALK: Sonja Leboš and Domagoj Burilović

More at the web-site of Photo-club Split:

Sep 16th 2020.

Geometry of Electrification

In July and August 2020 three research modules within our project Geometries of Electrificaton were conducted. Read more here.

Jul 15th 2020.

Launching of the project

After multiple postponing periods caused by COVID 19 crisis, we successfuly launched our project "City :: Film : How a Community Emerges?" with an animation workshop in Cultural Centre Travno.

Apr 23rd 2019.

Care and solidarity : : research modul 1 - Karlovac and Ogulin

On Wednesday, April 24, 2019, we conducted the first field research in Karlovac and Ogulinu. In Karlovac we visited the General Hospital Karlovac and Medical School. Both institutions are part of the complex of Medical Centre Karlovac, for which Zoja Dumengjić won the first prize at the contest in 1961. We spoke to the Director of the General Hospital in Karlovac, Mr Ervin Jančić, and to the Director of the Medical School Jasminka Štajcer about the possibilities of the cooperation in the frame of the project.

Oct 29th 2018.

publication Steps of the City :: Media Images

Just in Croatian for now, soon in English, too!

Oct 28th 2018.

walk in new Zagreb

 NOVI NOVI Zagreb was on the Croatian TV, see Ivan Ladislav Galeta in 1978.

Feb 28th 2018.

in memoriam Branko Lentic

Ten days ago, more precisely on February 14, Branko Lentic, a TV journalist engaged in investigative journalism at the time when it was just journalism, passed away in Zagreb. However, investigative journalism was dangerous then as it is nowadays, which is to be heard from narrator in the documentary Dinamitaši who talks about threats sent to TV crew which dared to capture statements from those who found courage to talk about the dirty business of illegal fishing with dynamite, a dangeorous affair in which many men lost hands, sight or sense of hearing. Illegal fishing with dynamite took off at the time of construction of the Adriatic Highway, Jadranska magistrala, which practically means that during the period of 20 years (1945-1965) dynamite was easy to get for the men who used it to feed their hungry families. Nonetheless, at the time when Lentic makes this TV documentary, and that is 1974, fish is illegaly caught with dynamite by the men who sell that fish to restaurants for the money three times less than the regulary price of legally caught fish on the market, and that money would then be invested into large renting houses, boats and cars.
Although this story is worth expanding, we would like to linger on the first Lentic's TV documentary, Zagreb, bijeli grad (Zagreb, the White City) from 1969. It was made within the documentary series that was very popular at the time, called Objektiv 350, managed by the journalist Zvonko Letica. Documentary commences in a muddy backyard of the regional seat of the national TV at the time in Dežman Passage, and captures life of Zagreb on a few locations. Among others, those locations are: Trešnjevka, main Zagreb's square – at the time the Square of Republic, then Mažuranić Sq and the Main Railway Station.
At Trešnjevka, the inhabitants of little hauses complain about their neighbours who throw garbage and waste at them from highrise buildings. It is a plastic re-enactment of the growing class differentiations in the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. At the Square of Republic, the citizens complain about city fathers letting Zagreb suffocating in dirt, or about the Croatian National Theatre being under reconstruction for far too long. On the other side of the same square, we get to know a micro-international community of shoe-polishers. There is even a Russian among them, who came to Zagreb in 1924. On Mažuranić's Sq, the citizens wait for the transportation in cold weather without shelter, trying to get to the newly built parts of the city (Remetinec, Savski gaj, Trnsko) by the means of public transport: "It is difficult to reach New Zagreb...".

Jun 23rd 2017.

illuminovision strategies of light

The symposium "Illuminovision - Strategies of Light" will take place in Šibenik July 1-2. The lecturers are: Katrina Petter (Public Art Lower Austria), Siegrun Appelt, Sanja Horvatincic from the Institute for Art History from Zagreb and the members of SOBA DAŠ - Society of Architects Sibenik.

Dec 20th 2016.

Steps of the city 1957 - 2017

U 2017. godini UIII će provoditi uz institucionalnu podršku zaklade Kultura nova provoditi projekt "Koraci grada 1957-2017".